
InfiniteCanvas is a freeware/open source application for arranging and displaying infinite canvas comics. If you want to learn more about infinite canvas comics, read the Infinite Canvas Wikipedia article or have a look at the comics that were arranged with the InfiniteCanvas application.

InfiniteCanvas consists of an easy to use native Mac OS X Editor application and viewer based on Adobe Flash.



InfiniteCanvas 1.3.3 (1.4MB, 02/09/2008, Universal Binary)

Requirements: Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger) or later


InfiniteCanvas Screenshot 1InfiniteCanvas Screenshot 2InfiniteCanvas Screenshot 3


On this page you can find links to Comics which were created with the Infinite Canvas Editor. If you want to see your Comic on this page, please contact me.



Q: What operating systems does Infinite Canvas run on?
The Infinite Canvas Editor requires Mac OS 10.2 or later. The special universal binary build (intel/ppc support) requires 10.3.9.

Q: Will there be a port of the editor to Microsoft Windows?
Sorry, but I’m not planing to port my application to MS Windows. Mac OS X will stay the target platform.

Q: I would like to propose a new feature for the application! How can I do that?
You can find contact information on the Contact page.

Flash Viewer

Q: Do I need a copy of Macromedia Flash to publish a comic using the Flash Viewer?
No. All you need is the freely available Flash Player (Version 7.0).

Q: What files/folders does the application create when publishing for Flash?
ICViewer.swf, index.html and in a subfolder (if available named with the title of the comic or “ressources” otherwise) comic.xml and all the panels (converted from gif, jpg, or png to swf).
index.html contains the embedded ICFlash.swf (IC stands for InfiniteCanvas) and this swf-file displays the comic.

Q: I want to embed my comic into my own html document. How can I do that?
Open content.html and copy everything starting with <object …> and ending with </object>. If you want to use version checking, please make sure your html page is called content.html and you link to index.html and not content.html! If you feel uncomfortable with this instructions, please contact me.

Q: Where can I change the width/height of the embedded Flash Viewer?
Open content.html in a text editor and edit the values width=”xxx” and height”xxx” manually. You have to edit the values in the object AND the embed tag!!!

Source Code

InfiniteCanvas is licensed under the GPL.

InfiniteCanvas v1.3.1

InfiniteCanvas v1.3

InfiniteCanvas v1.1